Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Product Launch

Welcome to The Fantasy Answer Man. Thanks for checking me out. This space has been established with a vision of a jack-of-all-trades fantasy sports advice atmosphere.  I plan on posting updates regularily and my style is more blurbish than most, especially when I have this type of forum where anything goes.

This is the culmination/launch of a vision I has a while ago of a web page solely designed to answer fantasy questions in a quick manner to anyone looking for advice.  With this space, I absolutely plan on still having that capabliity, especially now that Twitter is an option.  I'll answer questions here on the blog or through Twitter.  Follow me over there at @FanAnswerMan, I also have my Tweets linked to this blog. 

As you can tell if you are an artistic mind, appearance and web page design isn't my strength. I'm a sports fanatic first, a writer/analyst second, and a bacon cheesburger connoisseur third.  Maybe I can get my friend Benny to help me out on the design side of things.

Anyway, thanks again for stopping by.  I plan to be here very regularily; you should as well.


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