Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Zack Greinke is feeling the pain.

Royals shortstop Yuniesky Betancourt has long been touted by statheads as the worst player in the majors.  As a Zack Greinke owner, I concur.

Two separate times this season, including Sunday, Betancourt has contributed to a Greinke meltdown that has cost his owners huge.  Earlier in the season, Betancourt dropped a pop up, just dropped it (trust me, it was terrible) with one out.  After that, the floodgates opened.  Sunday was much worse.  Our favorite shortstop tried to underhand a throw to second to start what would have been an easy twin killing, and literally rolled the ball to second.  It slipped and rolled...and, it was too late to get the runner.  Zack ends up ceding four runs in the inning, seven overall (and they were earned since a double play is not assumed), and his ERA takes a big hit.

Now, Greinke has to take some responsibility for not regaining composure, but his ERA is falsely inflated right now.  Of course, the counter would be....well, Betancourt is going to keep screwing his ERA all year then.  Yes, yes, you may be right.  Still, I believe in talent and skills, and I will not tolerate Greinke being called a second tier starter.  He isn't.  If his owner wants to bail, I'm buying.  He'll come around...let's just hope the shortstop does too.

Cheers (golf tomorrow),

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