Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Playoff Fantasy Football

I hinted a couple of times in the past week that I would be talking playoff fantasy football this week.  I'll keep writing about Week 17 thoughts as well, but you shouldn't be playing your league champuonship game then, just doesn't make sense.  If you want to have a one week draft, that would be okay to have a one week free-for-all type thing, but no fantasy championships please.

Anyway. here is what I have been doing for playoff fantasy football with my buddies for the last few years.  We have six owners (12 would also work) who basically draft every player playing in the playoffs.  Each team ends up with 2 QB, 4 RB, 4 WR, 2 TE, 2 K, 2 D/ST.  That means the six teams have drafted all the quarterbacks, kickers and defenses and most of the backs and receivers are taken as well.  We use a snake draft (via email, unfortunately), with the draft order being determined by an automated dice roller website.  The draft is 16 rounds and needs to be completed by the Saturday of wild card weekend.  Your team, once drafted, accumulates points just as they would in the regular season, but you are just looking for the highest point total when the playoffs are finished.  So, you just use a speadsheet to add up each teams points for the playoffs.  When a player has been eliminated from the playoffs, they can no longer score points for his/her team.  Make sense?  Obviously you want the guys on your team who are likely to play the most games in the playoffs, but figuring out who those guys are going to be is a bit dicey (see last year's Cardinals).  The only other thing to think about is installing team quarterback for this format.  You want to try and mitigate any influence that an unfortunate injury would have for this sort of league.

I will post my playoff rankings early next week when the seeds are determined for the NFL playoffs, but I can already tell you that I'm going to be heavy on San Diego, who I think is going to the Super Bowl.

I'd like to hear any of your playoff fantasy ideas as well.  What do you do?

UPDATE:  No blog tomorrow...FYI.  Travel day, be back at it Thursday.


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