Thursday, October 22, 2009

Explaining the Hunch

As you saw this Sunday, I debuted a new column called the Sunday Hunch.  The premise of the column lies with the idea that there are some against the grain decisions to be made with your fanatsy lineup that can really pay off.  Look no further than Sunday's column to see how my hunches paid off Sunday.  Too often, fantasy analysts get caught up in the numbers and lose their common sense.  I actually heard prominent fantasy voices say that Drew Brees and Andre Johnson could/should be benched last week.  That's nonsense to me.  Really, bench Drew Brees at home?  Please.  I don't care how well the Giants were playing on defense, they aren't the '85 Bears.

I just want to get the point across that I am much more of a feel and gut fantasy player than an overthinking stat guy.  Sometimes, I just won't be able to produce numbers to back up my hunches, and that's just fine with me.  I have a winning track record in all my leagues, and I'm not going to morph into Bill James or someone who uses stats from nine years ago to influence readers.

I went 4-for-5 on my hunches by the way.  Now I need to go 6-for-6 next week and I can match Kirby's magical '87 weekend in Milwaukee.

Thank God for links, huh?  Love it.

Tomorrow, the Friday Five, and sometime soon, a review of my fantasy hoops draft.  Who do you think I got with the second pick?


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