Monday, October 19, 2009

Site Improvements

So, I have a few things, actually a lot of things, that I want to do to this site/blog to make it better.  If you have any insight that may help me, make sure and pass it along.  Here is what I'd like to do....

Have a Q and A dropbox sort of thing on the page.

Make it easier to comment, some people can't apparently if they don't have a google account.  I can't even easily figure out how best to reply to someone's comment.

I can't figure out the search blog box in the upper right hand corner.  Nothing shows up when I search for things I've written about.

I would like to figure out how to make sure my blog is available via a google search.

I'd also like to see how many (or few :)) hits my blog gets a day.  How do you do that?

Is there a way to tag my blog so when people search blogger for fantasy sports mine will come up?  How do you even search blogger for content?  Is my blog available to the general public?  How do they find it if I don't pass along the link?

I also can't seem to figure out the direct message thing on Twitter.

Finally, I'd like to change the appearance to make it a little less cookie cutter.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who reads my writing daily.  I know you're out there and it's important for me to have an audience.  My head is spinning with ideas right now for the future, and that's not because I had eight beers today.


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